Meet our leadership team
We are helmed by a distinguished team with a diverse set of skills and expertise, guiding us with integrity, strength and purpose.
At Primarc, we believe that great companies are built by great people. The dedicated individuals who drive our vision, shape our strategies, and lead us towards excellence, know that leadership isn’t just a title—it’s a responsibility. They are the compass that points us in the right direction. Together, they chart the course of our company.
A convergence of strength, compassion and hard work. Leading the group to its distinguished position today.
They say a strong foundation is forever, that rests upon thoughts, strengths and an undying spirit to create a difference.
His hard work and entrepreneurial spirit has created a robust foundation for the group.
Shri Nand Kishore Pansari
Chairman Emeritus

CFA, a real estate veteran with over 26 years of experience across various management and financial functions. From accounts to statutory compliances to handling critical assignments, Anand dons various hats and has played a critical role in helping the group achieve a dominant position in real estate.
Never Say No – is Anand’s mantra and he’s always there reaching out to help colleagues, customers and stakeholders alike.
Anand Agarwal

An entrepreneur at heart and a disciplinarian by nature, Arun is the group’s man Friday. From Business Development to operations management to handling any critical responsibility, Arun excels across with over 25 years of diverse experience in real estate and other industries.
God fearing, Arun finds solace in hymns and devotional songs. He loves traveling and believes that simplicity is significant.
Arun Singhania

A seasoned veteran and a man of all seasons , Debajyoti captains the project team ensuring timely completion, and highest level of customer satisfaction. With over 35 years of experience, Debajyoti is skilled in contracts, design documentation and project execution.
Debajyoti Choudhury
AVP - Projects.

Chartered accountant, creator and a passionate philanthropist. Mahesh leads the design and construction at Primarc. Fascinated by innovative structures, and strongly believes “good design is good business”. He places the community spaces at the core of architecture design to build happy communities.
A firm believer in karma and giving back to society, Mahesh is constantly working together with Kolkata Gives and other organizations to improve the lives of people around us and society at large.
A fitness freak and travel enthusiast, Mahesh enjoys work and life, both equally.
Mahesh Pansari

Chartered Accountant, a founding member of the group, a core pillar of the group’s success, spearheading purchase, and contracts responsibilities.
A strong believer in performance, Narendra has been an epitome of perfection and dedication towards work and family life.
Narendra Dhanuka

Alumnus and founding batch of Indian School of Business, Piyush has been instrumental in driving technological change and adapting to state-of-the-art processes and systems. A strong driver of change, Piyush has successfully led the group’s retail and distribution businesses.
Under his leadership the group has acquired a dominant position in retail sector with 35+ stores across various retail formats in Eastern India.
Piyush Pansari

Personally, he values the process of continuous self-improvement and believes that discipline & effort is the key to having an effortless life.
Prateek Sanganeria

A civil engineer with over 27 years of experience in project planning, scheduling, contracts, and execution, Sanjib embodies performance and passion. He values discipline and knowledge sharing, and is strongly focussed on excellence, customer satisfaction and the pursuit of perfection.
Sanjib Kumar Das

An alumnus of Harvard Business School, Sidharth has inspired a culture of learning, leadership and performance across diverse businesses of the group.
Sidharth believes that life should be like a Crossword puzzle, with both learning and fun.
Moving forward everyday towards a vision to make Primarc a dominant institution.
Sidharth Pansari

Sourav Dasgupta
AVP - Operations

With over 15 years of rich experience across segments in Real Estate and having worked with leading IPC’s including JLL, Cushman & Wakefield, Sujay heads Sales at Primarc. An avid learner , Sujay has adeptly been implementing new ideas and technology to drive efficiency and performance.
Sujay Anand Prasad

Suneeta Kar