
Guiding success, driving excellence.

Meet our leadership team

We are helmed by a distinguished team with a diverse set of skills and expertise, guiding us with integrity, strength and purpose.
At Primarc, we believe that great companies are built by great people. The dedicated individuals who drive our vision, shape our strategies, and lead us towards excellence, know that leadership isn’t just a title—it’s a responsibility. They are the compass that points us in the right direction. Together, they chart the course of our company.

A convergence of strength, compassion and hard work. Leading the group to its distinguished position today.

They say a strong foundation is forever, that rests upon thoughts, strengths and an undying spirit to create a difference.

His hard work and entrepreneurial spirit has created a robust foundation for the group.

Shri Nand Kishore Pansari

Chairman Emeritus
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