Why investing in your own home is more important than ever

The pandemic has been a period of reflection and realizations. During the last 100 days we have fought endlessly with a lethal virus and concerns of safe shelter. Owning a home of your own is now the biggest realization that has dawned upon us. It is not only a safe haven where relationships build but also your biggest investment and asset. Buying a home is perhaps the most critical decision in anyone’s life and requires a lot of analysis and speculation. And buying a home during or after the pandemic requires even more thought. Therefore, to ease your task, here are a few points that talks about why is it a good time to invest in real estate. Security and comfort for your family- Home is not only about four walls but it is more about the emotions that it houses. It is a safe haven for you and your loved ones. It is your biggest security and greatest asset. It is the only place which takes care of your family’s basic needs.  Real estate is now affordable than ever- According to various global reports, the level of residential property sales has risen due to the prominence of the affordable housing segment. This trend, is likely to be followed by the Indian real estate markets as the buying prices have fallen. Right now there are lots of deals which can be cashed upon by buyers.  Affordable home loans- The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) monetary policy decision to slash repo rates by 0.75 basis points (bps) has made home loans significantly attractive and affordable. This has presented potential home buyers with an opportunity that cannot be missed. The steep cut has brought interest rates on home loans to their lowest in over a decade. The present interest rate stands between 7.20% and 8.05%. Avail a top-up loan- Use the savings resulting from a reduced equated monthly installment (EMI) to avail a top-up loan, which is also available at lower interest rates. Stock market is volatile, but real estate is stable- During the last few months there have been huge swings in the share market which makes it unpredictable. But with real estate, the graph has been steady and moving. Keeping the overall scenario in mind, the mid-segment and affordable housing categories have now emerged as the most sought after deals for potential buyers. Thus, this is the most opportune time to invest in your own address. And to guide you with the best projects around Kolkata and Rajarhat, Primarc has got you covered. From lavish to mid segment properties, Primarc has offerings for everyone. So, go ahead, your dream home is just a click away. 

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How we can all come to terms with the new normal

In a world where robots make contactless deliveries and perform surgeries, the growing role of technology is a given. And our fight against COVID-19 has only made us value technology even more. In the long hours spent behind closed doors, digital tools have been our saving grace. They allow us to join online meetings, attend digital classes, order in food and binge on web shows, making the ‘new normal’ an option worth considering.With homes doubling as alternate workspaces and classrooms, many have been on the lookout for a residence that can alleviate their at-home woes. But searching for that ‘dream’ home amid lockdown and rigorous social-distancing norms can be a daunting task. With technology, however, gone are the days of countless site visits. Three-dimensional, 360-degree tours now offer a complete view of a selected property, without requiring one to step outside at all. Booking a flat is indeed just a few clicks away now.More than 50 years ago, eminent author Arthur C. Clarke had written: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Primarc has embraced magical technological innovations that allow buyers to inspect a flat on their laptops and smartphones almost as closely as they would in real life. A personalised experience with clear and detailed visuals allows customers to zoom into specific areas of a property and see all the details.Staying at home as much as possible is the best way to spend time with our loved ones and keep them safe. Modern technology makes finding the right home and staying there both convenient and pleasurable.Spread across Eastern India, the Primarc Group has 23 ongoing, upcoming and completed residential projects equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Each property has been constructed at a strategically chosen location and designed from the ground up to provide a safe and secure environment. We have got the ‘new normal’ covered. See for yourself. Virtually.

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How to build trust among your customers

"Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time." – Arthur Ashe.Relationships are built on trust. So is buying a home which involves a financial as well as an emotional investment. But in a market that abounds with fly-by-night developers making tall claims, homebuyers are left confused. Homebuyers mostly look for developers who deliver on their promises. A track record of on-time delivery is a good starting point. Having a proven record of financial stability and adhering to the norms of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority are other clear indicators of trustworthiness. At Primarc, trustworthiness is our hallmark, as are our unique designs and high quality. When a family invests in their dream home, they are looking for not only value for money but also security for life, hence the importance of the use of high-quality materials for best-in-class constructions. Easy availability of home loans and high returns on investments are assured when developers can guarantee these to homeowners. Maintaining transparency and upholding ethics in all dealings make for good business sense. Transparency and ethics beget trust and bring more business via satisfied homeowners. Primarc’s attentive customer service ensures that we take care of every homebuying need of a buyer, thereby making them feel valued. Over the past two decades, transparency and trust have been the foundation of Primarc Group’s real estate projects. Our mission is not only to provide families well-designed and well-planned homes on time, at the right price and with state-of-the-art amenities but to nurture lasting relationships with them. Our portfolio of 23 ongoing, upcoming and completed residential projects in eastern India is a testament to the culture of reliability that we have fostered and sustained since our inception. Come, join our circle of trust.

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Together We Can

‘Man is a social animal’.This line is the hallowed chapter-opener for most social science textbooks. And appropriately so, because for time immemorial, mankind has been defined by collective movement in a unified direction.Millennia ago, when man was just finding his feet, we were a race of hunter-gatherers. Slowly, the different races figured out the benefit of hanging together in packs. Safety in numbers, and a combined physical potential greater than the sum of the parts. This translates into small groups, then villages, then collections of villages, and towns, and cities. Soon enough, mankind wasn’t just a species. We were a collection of communities.Fast forward a few thousand years, and we find our history is replete with architectural accomplishments we could only have done together. The Pyramids. The Taj Mahal. Machu Picchu. You name it, and it’s a testament to the power of togetherness.But it’s not just the buildings and monuments we can see and touch. The most iconic movements and events have symbolised the power of togetherness. Our heroes sparked a collective response that sent shockwaves across the country. Gandhi’s legendary Salt March was a study in unity, and an inspiration to millions everywhere. Netaji’s rallying cry drew followers from around the country and allowed them to accomplish so much. This long and immortal list of names fought for independence in their own ways, and thereby galvanised the people to join them. But always, always as a single people.If you look at the sports we love as a people, it reveals the same approach. Cricket and hockey dominate the stage, while football is on the rise. Even a native sport like kabaddi is back in the public’s eye. One and all, they are team sports. Each has its own heroes and icons, and they are the figureheads of their sport. But they all featured in strong and capable teams that enabled them to achieve great victories.This year, of course, the world changed again. Billions locked up in their homes, many without work or any productive ways of handling the unique stresses of the pandemic. And yet, once again, that singular community spirit shone through. Friends who hadn’t spoken in years reached out to one another, strangers consoled each other in message boards and social media comment sections, and corporate machines acknowledged that it was, in fact, real human people that worked for them, and took care of them. Once again, humanity banded together, and it all seemed just a little bit better than before.History has shown that our greatest achievements are the result of all of us pulling in the same direction. It is this simple truth that we carry in our hearts when we come to work every day, and it is what drives us to make a difference in your lives. Together, we can.

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Building A Greener Future

The environment is set to be the legacy we leave for future generations. But for decades, the scale and speed of urbanisation has not matched the rate of degradation that has plagued our planet. All too often, developers and policymakers have relegated this essential conversation to the backburner.But no more. The advent of new technologies has limited energy consumption and resulted in more climate-resistant materials and constructions. This coupled with greater social awareness has contributed to a more eco-oriented approach. The real estate sector’s efforts to reduce its impact on the climate is an important step toward climate mitigation.Millennials, prospective buyers, and investors have called for change for years. From carbon production to resource usage and land development, their efforts have finally begun to bear fruit. It has also aligned the industry with much of the business world, which has now pivoted to a low-carbon and more sustainable outlook.A key element of the shift towards sustainability is the impending shift in policy. The next few years are set to see new rules and laws that will promote the environment instead of destroying it. This paradigm shift is likely to result in low-carbon strategies, new construction methods, biodiversity, reducing soil artificialisation, and developing natural spaces in urban areas.Green architecture is a term that has been around for years, but is only starting to see its full potential now. It has several defining components:● Energy efficiency● Renewable energy● Water efficiency● Eco-friendly building materials and specifications● Waste reduction● Reduction of toxic materials● Indoor air quality.By creating projects that are self-sustaining in terms of energy, non-polluting, and utilising natural resources with maximum efficiency, it is possible to build structures that strike the perfect balance in our precariously balanced world.Our commitment to sustainability and a better future is a key part of our business growth. Primarc Reach is an initiative we launched to help make these green dreams a reality. Water conservation through rainwater harvesting systems has been achieved at different sites, along with the use of alternative materials that reduce energy consumption, And of course, we manage to meet our environmental targets without compromising on quality.The next few years are crucial in the battle against climate change. It is a privilege and a responsibility to be at the forefront of this great endeavour. 

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5 things to consider before investing into your home.

Buying a home is nothing short of achieving a milestone. It is one of the most important life decisions and entails a multitude of emotions. We know how investing in a home is a dream for most average Indians. While we invest our hard earned fortune we must evaluate the right worth of it. Therefore before purchasing a home, it is mandatory to undergo proper due diligence and intense research about the various aspects of home buying. In this article we have explored the crucial tenets that a home owner must tick box before investing in his dream abode.Community livingOne thing that we have learnt from this ongoing pandemic is the immense benefits of community living. The world is shrinking, real communication is moulding into virtual ones, but the happiness one receives from a community living is irreplaceable. Your commune is your second family. The need of the hour is a helping hand and what could be better than a like-minded and caring neighbourhood. So choosing community living tops the priority chart.Do your researchBuying a home cannot be a hasty decision. The purchase must entail profound research and budgeting so that it turns into an investment rather than a liability. Doing proper researching and taking an analytical approach logically based on the financial factors. Here it is important not to consider trivial likes and dislikes, which will surely land you with the best property.LocationWhere you live, decides your fate. So choose your location wisely. One of the supremely important factors while buying your home is the location. Location being subjective should cater to your best interest. But on an average a good location is one which connects you to the heartland of the city and makes commute a smooth ride. Also, a good location is evaluated on factors like neighbourhood, proximity from essential commodities like hospitals, banks, schools, market places etc.Taking up a housing loanFor first time home buyers, taking a financial leap of this magnitude is certainly fretful. But thanks to various housing schemes which have eased our worries and made home buying a worry free investment. Under the PM Awas Yojana a house owners gets attractive interest rate benefits. Additionally, there are tax benefits on home loan interest rate under Section 24 and on principal payment under Section 80C along with payments towards registration and stamp duty.Which project to chooseThis is the toughest decision. Zeroing down to a project which meets checklists every requirement and caters to all your need is indeed a struggle. But streamlining your research will take this burden off your shoulders in no time. There are many notable and renowned builders who have contributed in reshaping the skyline of the city. While considering you should find out not only about the builder but also landscapists, architects, consultants and more such important names associated with the project. It is important to build a relationship of trust with your realtor, therefore repute matters. One such distinguished realtor is Primarc who with their years of expertise and august standing have made homes for thousands of happy families.While you keep the above factors in mind, you will definitely find your dream home. Dwelling in a home with state-of-the-art amenities and luxuries at your convenience is no longer a dream but a reality. And Primarc every time brings you closer to your dream. With projects like Southwinds, located in the heart of Southern Bypass, it is one of the best and thriving community living in all of Southern Calcutta. From glitzy club to multilevel shopping arcade, name it and you find it in your home at Southwinds. If you’re wondering more on our projects, have a look at  www.primarc.in/projects.

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Practical Advice For Home Buyers

Buying a home is a big step. It’s the most significant purchase that you will ever make. Making the proper buying decision is understandably daunting. However, owning a home becomes the most fulfilling experience with the right help. Here are fundamental reasons why owning a home is much better than renting it:It is a long-time investment:The value of real estate only increases with time. So, if you delay purchasing a property, you end up investing more at a later date for the same property. Postponing your purchase also means paying rent for an extended period. Therefore, it is a better price appreciation than a rental property.It creates more space for you to grow:Homeownership can lead to massive improvements in all aspects of your life. The amount of personal accountability and security that comes with owning a home is enormous. It gives both you and your children a sense of belonging, providing a nurturing space for your lives to grow. Real estate is a solid investment to improve your quality of life in the long run.Stay free of commitments:Owning a home reduces at least one hefty sum of monthly obligation —the rent. For salaried people, it is an immediate expense at the end of the month. If one takes a loan to buy a house, their monthly instalment will lend itself to ownership instead of a cost. Plus, having your place with no rent or monthly payment increases growth opportunities. It steers people to focus on other life goals. Financial security:Mathematically speaking, if we spend 20 years paying rent and end up without a home, would it not be better to pay off a loan in 20 years and gain ownership too? A home is an asset. It is financial security whose value increases over time. It also enables low mortgages and higher rent (in case of sublet) in the long run. Saving money with tax benefits:Purchasing a home can also save your taxes. If you are paying an EMI for your house loan, the interest for the year is allowed to be claimed as a deduction from your total income, up to a maximum of Rs 2 lakh under Section 24. Plus, the principal amount paid for the year is also allowed as a deduction under Section 80C, up to a maximum amount of Rs 1.5 lakh.It readies you for retirement:A home is a boon during retirement. It saves you your monthly rent when you have no income. It gives you the financial and mental security of depending on a home and leaving it for your future generation — over time, the value of home multiples more in emotions than in investment. A home is the best cure for a chaotic life.When choosing your dream home, you must select a trusted developer. Amenities, home-buying experience, and long-term value are important factors to consider. At Primarc, the process of purchasing your dream home, from selection to transfer of ownership, is made transparent and smooth. Projects like The Soul offer a sanctuary for your investment. The gated-community residential flats in Rajarhat are perfectly balanced between premium and affordable. Ongoing real estate projects in Kolkata offer a reasonable price to invest in for a thriving future.It is true, the benefits of owning a home far outweigh renting one.

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Kolkata: The Best Investment Option

Kolkata, the city of joy. Here, people and places slow down in the evening and settle into a calming rhythm. Here, homes are inviting, and homeowners, a part of community living. Kolkata carries the charm of culture and modern living. There's no better place to come back to. No better place to own a home.Appreciation in valueThe value of Kolkata's real estate is fast appreciating. As the disposable income grows in the hands of people, so do their savings and need to invest. Other metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi have seen a robust increase in the crowd and home purchases in the last few decades. Kolkata is now catching up. And the right time to invest is now.Rent till retirementA long-term investment is a huge criterion for purchasing real estate. People look for safe properties to park a big sum of money and return via monthly income like rent. People in jobs who live in different cities are also parking their investments in Kolkata homes, focusing on their future. Kolkata is the perfect place to move after retirement. It's economical for survival with a great standard of living.Culture of community Kolkata believes in growing together. Community living is the biggest factory for people to choose a property. Here, people believe in celebrating together. Unlike other fast-paced cities, Kolkata’s heart lies in its people – the camaraderie is cherished above all else. Parents and growing adults choose Kolkata as their long-term home because they know that community living is important for survival. And Kolkata’s properties, through amenities and events, always support it.Across Kolkata, a lot of sectors are becoming residential hubs. Apartments in Southern Bypass and gated communities in Rajarhat have become a talking point of the city. When considering a long-term aspect, today's youth are also looking out for rowhouses, both as a means of investments and residential spaces. For example, Aura Villas, with its 3/4BHK villas in Mankundu, near Chandannagar, has quickly become popular. Spread across 4.2 acres, this gated community conceptualizes dream homes in modern times.In Kolkata, the youth may leave, only to come back home forever. Kolkata the best investment choice in all of India

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